Wednesday 22 September 2010

Blog 2 - Target Audience

Jennifers Body
Looking at the ratings (below) you and I can see that the majorirty of the people who watched this film were males between the ages of 18-29. The strange thing about these ratings are that the female side of the rating overall rated higher then the males did.
Is this because the males were put off by her killer ways???
Sorority Row
Looking at the ratings (below) you and I can see that overall the majority of people who watched this film were male again between the ages of 18-29. The ratings on this film though is kinda equal when its between the male and females. One thing different between the two films is that more people went to see Jeniffers Body compared to Soroity Row.

Overall I think my film should be aimed at people between the ages of 18-29year olds and maybe aimed more at males.

1 comment:

  1. You need more detail here and you should also consider psychographics. What type of people watch teen horrors? Mainstreamers? Individualists? You could conduct your own research - a questionnaire or an online survey to find this out.
